Relieve bloating with natural solutions

Although relatively common, bloating causes discomfort day to day. Discover factors which promote bloating, and the natural solutions which exist to counter this unpleasant condition.

Many of us have suffered from a swollen stomach or bloating, at some point.

Bloating can cause several signs:

  • frequent gas;
  • expanding waist line;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • a hard or tense abdomen.

Bloating can sometimes also be associated with painful spasms or cramps.



Bloating: the reasons

Bloating is caused by the accumulation of gas in the gastrointestinal system, which causes the stomach to feel swollen. This is notably due to the air ingested when we eat.

However, several factors can cause bloating:

  • eating meals too quickly;
  • certain types of food, which ferment in the gastrointestinal tract, promote bloating: dairy products, fizzy sugary drinks, certain types of beer, certain types of vegetables such as cabbage varieties, large amounts of bread or raw vegetables, and chewing gum, etc.
  • pregnancy, due to modifying the gastrointestinal system,
  • etc.

Bloating is rarely isolated and may also be related to other digestive disorders, such as heartburn or sluggish intestines . In this case, these symptoms should also be targeted.


Did you know?

Although far from pleasant, bloating is relatively common, affecting 20 to 30% of the population.


Adopt new habits to avoid bloating: eat a varied diet, with regular meal times, in peace and quiet, and chew your food properly

Adopt new habits to avoid bloating

Not only is bloating uncomfortable day to day, it can also be painful. Don’t worry: there are some solutions to relieve bloating.

Adopt new simple everyday habits:

  • eat a varied diet, with regular meal times, in peace and quiet, and chew your food properly;
  • opt for cooked vegetables, whole grains and fibre-rich food;
  • eat fruit between meals, and not for dessert;
  • take regular physical exercise: sports can help stimulate your core abdominal muscles and thus promote digestion and transit;
  • learn to manage your stress better.


Natural solutions for bloating

Note that natural solutions also exist to relieve or soothe existing bloating. Several plants are thus renowned for their beneficial effects on bloating.

Carminative plants, such as fennel, cumin and coriander, absorb gas and thus limit flatulence. Lemon balm and chamomile have soothing properties and help relax the digestive organs. Peppermint is also known to relieve bloating due to its soothing, anti-flatulent properties. For example, you can use one of these plants to make a herbal tea or, as an essential oil, to massage your stomach (NB: not all essential oils are suitable for pregnant women and children).

Laboratoires ORTIS have developed specific products containing fennel, lemon, chamomile and peppermint for the rapid relief of discomfort caused by occasional bloating, or for a targeted action on the causes of regular bloating. Feel lighter once again!

Additional information about these plants and ingredients: