

Peas are a herbaceous annual climbing plant. Its sparsely branched stem varies in length from 50 cm to 2 m, and climbs by using the tendrils on the leaves to cling on to its supports. Its flowers are white or pink and its round and smooth or angular seeds are contained in the fruit or pod.

Latin name

Pisum sativum L.


Peas have been grown in the Middle East since neolithic times. They were a dietary staple in Europe and the Mediterranean basin in ancient times and the Middle Ages.

Used part

The fruit.

Active components

Fibre (amylopectin, amylose): Peas contribute to intestinal transit by supplying dietary fibre which, at the same time, supports the function of the intestinal flora.


The first archaeological discoveries of peas date to the neolithic era. These discoveries took place in the regions that today correspond to Syria, Turkey and Jordan. One of the first discoveries of the use of peas in Egypt dates from approximately 4800-4400 B.C. Peas are nourishing and are mainly used as a legume. To this end, the peas are often used on their own, sometimes with the young pods. The cooking process breaks down the cell wall and makes the pea sweet and nutritious. In the mid 19th century, the Austrian monk Gregor Mendel founded the principles of modern genetics thanks to his study of the effects of cross-breeding peas. Pea starch is used to produce biodegradable plastics. Peas are an important source of fibre. 1,2

Bibliographical references

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The health claims relating to other nutrients or substances contained in our products that feature on our site are compliant with Regulation No. 432/2012 of the Commission of 16 May 2012 which establishes a list of authorised health claims authorised in relation to food products, other than those in reference to the reduction of the risk of disease as well as community-based development and child health (cf. website of the European Commission: