

Spinach is a dioecious species, i.e. with separate male and female plants. Its small green flowers do not seek to attract insects for reproduction. Essentially, spinach is anemophilous. This means that the plant’s method of reproduction, pollination, is performed by the wind that carries its small and light pollen over many kilometres. Its smooth or crinkled dark green leaves are edible.

Latin name

Spinacia oleracea L


Central and South West Asia.

Used part

The leaves.

Active components

Vitamins (A, B9, C, E, K): essential nutrients.

Minerals (manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium): essential nutrients. C

arotenoids: antioxidants.

Flavonoids: antioxidants.


The first documentation recorded about spinach was written in Chinese. More precisely, it was introduced into China by Nepal, probably in the 7th century. In the 12th century, the plant rapidly became popular in Europe. It offered a significant advantage because it could be harvested at the start of spring, during a period when other vegetables are in short supply. During the First World War, a fortified wine containing spinach juice was distributed to French soldiers weakened by bleeding. Spinach is highly nutritious and is rich in antioxidants, particularly when eaten fresh, cooked or rapidly boiled. It loses a significant amount of its nutrient value over a few days. Refrigeration slows down this effect, but after approximately eight days, it will have lost most of its vitamin B9 content (folic acid) and carotenoids. To preserve it for a longer period, it is preferable to blanch or cook it and then freeze it. Spinach can be stored in the freezer for up to eight months. Foods rich in oxalate, such as spinach, can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, people with a high risk of forming calcium oxalate stones are generally advised to avoid eating spinach. When spinach is prepared with a product high in calcium, such as a dairy product, the absorption of oxalates is significantly reduced. Spinach contains nitrates, like most leafy vegetables. Nitrates have a positive effect on blood circulation. However, the bacteria present on the plant can covet the nitrates into nitrites. These nitrites can lead to the formation of toxic nitrosamines. This is why, in the past, certain countries advised against ever reheating leftover spinach. Spinach can now be chilled relatively quickly, which eliminates the high nitrite content and dishes containing spinach can now be reheated without a problem.

Bibliographical references

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The health claims relating to other nutrients or substances contained in our products that feature on our site are compliant with Regulation No. 432/2012 of the Commission of 16 May 2012 which establishes a list of authorised health claims authorised in relation to food products, other than those in reference to the reduction of the risk of disease as well as community-based development and child health (cf. website of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/nuhclaims/).