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Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 is a hydrosoluble vitamin (water soluble). It is also known as niacin or vitamin PP.


Vitamin B3 is found principally in poultry, cereals and liver.

Used part

Vitamin B3, a precursor to NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) and NADP+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), are part of the composition of two highly important electron carriers for energetic metabolism. Vitamin B3 is therefore involved in more than 200 enzymatic reactions that have an important effect on the oxidative stress of cells. It is therefore highly useful in the case of micro-inflammation, particularly in the digestive tract.

Bibliographical references

The health claims that feature on our website in relation to the plants contained in our products are compliant with the list of health claims awaiting final assessment by the Community authorities (cf. website of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/nuhclaims/). However, they may be subject to modification following their assessment by the national competent authorities.

The health claims relating to other nutrients or substances contained in our products that feature on our site are compliant with Regulation No. 432/2012 of the Commission of 16 May 2012 which establishes a list of authorised health claims authorised in relation to food products, other than those in reference to the reduction of the risk of disease as well as community-based development and child health (cf. website of the European Commission: http://ec.europa.eu/nuhclaims/).